SIMPLE = T / Written by IDL: Tue Mar 11 15:00:18 2014 BITPIX = -64 / Number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 2 / Number of data axes NAXIS1 = 50 / NAXIS2 = 50 / EXTEND = T /Extensions may be present DATE = '2014-03-11' / Creation UTC (CCCC-MM-DD) date of FITS header BSCALE = 1.00000 / Scaling of pixel values BZERO = 0.00000 / Zero offset BUNIT = 'mJy ' / Unit of image data COMMENT Flux calibration from Gauss 2D fit of STD star ORIGIN = 'MIRphot ' / Photometry package by D. Asmus COMMENT Reference: Asmus et al., 2014, MNRAS, 439, 1648 INSTRUME= 'TRECS ' / TELESCOP= 'Gemini-South' / PROGID = 'GS-2009B-Q-43' / Programm identification OBS NAME= 'GS-2009B-Q-43-8' / Name of the observation block (OB) OBJECT = 'NGC7469 ' / OB target name FILTER = 'Si2 ' / Imager filter name WAVELEN = 8.73999977112 / Filter central wavelength [micron] FHWIDTH = 0.389999866486 / Filter half-width [micron] EXPTIME = 144.792007446 / Total on-source exposure time [s] PFOV = 0.0900000035763 / Instrumental pixel scale [arcsec/px] CHOPMODE= 'PARALLEL' / Chopping mode CHOPTHRO= 15.0000000000 / Chopping throw [arcsec] CHOPANGL= -0.00000000000 / Chopping angle [degrees] MJD-OBS = 55093.0820312 / Mean Julian day of observation DATE-OBS= '2009-09-19T01-58' / Date of start of observation AIRMASS = 1.47099995613 / Airmass at start of observation SEEING = 0.00000000000 / Optical seeing at zenith ["] SENSITIV= 0.00000000000 / Sensitivity from STD [mJy 10sigma/1h] NONDETEC= 'FALSE ' / No source detected? STDNAME = 'HD220009' / Calibrator star name STDDATE = '2009-09-19T02-26' / Calibrator star observation date STDMJD = 55093.1015625 / Mean Julian day of the calibrator star observat STDFLUX = 8074.99980927 / Calibrator flux [mJy] STD_MAJ = 0.404345306877 / Calibrator major axis FWHM of Gauss 2D fit ["] STD_MIN = 0.377491518217 / Calibrator major axis FWHM of Gauss 2D fit ["] STDPA = 48.6652308156 / Calibrator position angle from N to E [deg] MED_BG = 0.202845692635 / Median background value [ADU/s] SIG_BG = 14.2734489441 / STDDEV of the background [ADU/s] GLIMIT = 'FALSE ' / Gaussian fluxes are 3sigma upper limits? GCNT = 26714.5699470 / Gaussian nuclear count rate [ADU/s] GCNTERR = 526.700163573 / Gaussian nuclear count rate error [ADU/s] GCONV = 0.00975869296066 / Gauss. flux convers. fac. from STD [mJy/ADU/s] GCONVERR= 0.000125076104779 / Gauss. flux convers. fac. error [mJy/ADU/s] GFLUX = 260.699285689 / Gaussian nuclear flux [mJy] GFLUXERR= 6.13051989121 / Gaussian nuclear flux error [mJy] PMANSCAL= 1.00000000000 / PSF manual scaling factor PLIMIT = 'FALSE ' / PSF fluxes are 3sigma upper limits? PCNT = 19242.4227303 / PSF nuclear count rate [ADU/s] PCNTERR = 526.700163573 / PSF nuclear count rate error [ADU/s] PFLUX = 187.780895244 / PSF nuclear flux [mJy] PFLUXERR= 5.67548711507 / PSF nuclear flux error [mJy] FWHM_MAJ= 0.478022270818 / Major axis FWHM of Gauss 2D fit ["] EFWHM_MA= 0.00314821080928 / Major axis FWHM error of Gauss 2D fit ["] FWHM_MIN= 0.443302211921 / Minor axis FWHM of Gauss 2D fit ["] EFWHM_MI= 0.00291954555853 / Minor axis FWHM error of Gauss 2D fit ["] POSANG = 8.58965835121 / Nuclear position angle in from N to E [deg] SIGNIFIC= 63.1381484108 / Estimated detection significane [sigma_BG] REDCHISQ= 1.26514726183 / Reduced Chi^2 of the Gauss 2D fitting APERDIA = 22.2222213392 / Aperture diameter [px] ACNT = 31633.9804688 / Aperture nuclear count rate [ADU/s] ACNTERR = 352.661041260 / Aperture nuclear count rate error [ADU/s] ACONV = 0.00767763242658 / Aperture flux convers. fac. from STD [mJy/ADU/s ACONVERR= 1.43804703125E-05 / Aperture flux convers. fac. error [mJy/ADU/s] AFLUX = 242.874074229 / Aperture nuclear flux [mJy] AFLUXERR= 2.74555135530 / Aperture nuclear flux error [mJy] CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / Coordinate Type CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / Coordinate Type EQUINOX = 2000.00 / Equinox of Ref. Coord. CD1_1 = -2.50000011874E-05 / Degrees / Pixel CD2_1 = 0.00000000000 / Degrees / Pixel CD1_2 = 0.00000000000 / Degrees / Pixel CD2_2 = 2.50000011874E-05 / Degrees / Pixel CRPIX1 = 25.5000 / Reference Pixel in X CRPIX2 = 25.5000 / Reference Pixel in Y CRVAL1 = 345.815000000 / R.A. (degrees) of reference pixel CRVAL2 = 8.87388888889 / Declination of reference pixel HISTORY PUTAST: Mar 11 15:03:27 2014 World Coordinate System parameters written COMMENT WCS assigned using target position determined from other wavelengths. COMMENT Imprecision of the assignment itself is ~1px ~ 0.1". END |