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SIMPLE  =                    T / file conforms to standard FITS format
BITPIX  =                   32 / 4 byte signed INTEGER numbers
NAXIS   =                    3 / number of array dimensions
NAXIS1  =                  256 / pixel number for image dimension 1
NAXIS2  =                  256 / pixel number for image dimension 2
NAXIS3  =                    1 / pixel number for image dimension 3
EXTEND  =                    T / file conforms to FITS standard extension format
BLOCKED =                    T / up to 10 FITS records may be blocked on tape
OBJECT  = 'M83               ' /  source name
TELESCOP= 'VLA+EFF           ' /
DATE-OBS=          1992.487671 / Observation date in decimal years
BSCALE  =     1.4970599693E-07 / scaling factor BSCALE and data shift BZERO :
BZERO   =          291.9898071 / original data = ( BSCALE * tape data ) + BZERO
BUNIT   = 'MYJY/BEAM'          /
OBSRA   =          203.5462338 / Center of the map
OBSDEC  =         -29.61041667 / Center of the map
DATAMIN =         -29.17965698 / minimum pixel value of image set
DATAMAX =          613.1591797 / maximum pixel value of image set
CTYPE1  = 'RA---ARC'           / ARC : angular distance preserved in projection
CRVAL1  =          203.5462341 /  longitude of referenz pixel
CDELT1  =    -8.3333335351E-04 / increment abszissa (degree)
CRPIX1  =          128.5000000 / x-value of referenz-pixel
CROTA1  =      0.000000000     / rotation of coordinates rel. to RA, DEC (-K0)
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--ARC'           / ARC : angular distance preserved in projection
CRVAL2  =         -29.61041641 / latitude of referenz-pixel (degree)
CDELT2  =     8.3333335351E-04 / increment ordinate (degree)
CRPIX2  =          128.5000000 / y-value of  referez-pixel
CROTA2  =      0.000000000     / rotation of coordinates
CTYPE3  = 'FREQ'               /
CRVAL3  =          4860100096. / frequency (Hz)
CDELT3  =          100000000.0 / bandwidth of observation (Hz)
CRPIX3  =          1.000000000 /
CROTA3  =      0.000000000     /
BLANK   =          -2147483647 / dummy value in empty cells
COORCODE=          21.00000000 / Coordinate code
MATRIX1 =        -0.7970167159 / 9 elements transformation matrix
MATRIX2 =         0.3994889449 / 9 elements transformation matrix
MATRIX3 =        -0.4529601941 / 9 elements transformation matrix
MATRIX4 =        -0.3473177316 / 9 elements transformation matrix
MATRIX5 =        -0.9167380122 / 9 elements transformation matrix
MATRIX6 =        -0.1973874625 / 9 elements transformation matrix
MATRIX7 =        -0.4940999371 / 9 elements transformation matrix
MATRIX8 =          0.000000000 / 9 elements transformation matrix
MATRIX9 =         0.8694051140 / 9 elements transformation matrix
INHPLONG=     2.7777777778E-03 / initial half power long.beamwidth
INHPLAT =     2.7777777778E-03 / initial half power lat. beamwidth
CUHPLONG=     4.1666666667E-03 / current half power long.beamwidth
CUHPLAT =     4.1666666667E-03 / current half power lat. beamwidth
BMAJ    =     4.1666666667E-03 / major half power long.beamwidth
BMIN    =     4.1666666667E-03 / minor half power long.beamwidth
BPA     =          0.000000000 / beam position angle, 0 or 90 for NOD2 data
EPOCH   =          1950.000000 / epoch of coordinate system
INSCALEF=          1.000000000 / initial temperature scale factor
INSCALEZ=          0.000000000 / initial temperature scale zero
CUSCALEF=          1.000000000 / current temperature scale factor
CUSCALZ =          0.000000000 / current temperature scale zero
CODE    =          0.000000000 / progress code word
TYPE    =          1.000000000 / type number of data
OBS LAT =          88.88888889 / latitude of observatory
IDENT1  = M83 VLA+lsbePBW=     / title of map
IDENT2  =              PI.DENO / title of map
IDENT3  = OT= /  0.            / title of map
IDENT4  =             14/ p181 / title of map
NITER   =                    1 / number of iterations, whatever it may be

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