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SIMPLE  =                    T  /
BITPIX  =                  -32  /
NAXIS   =                    3  /
NAXIS1  =                 1200  /
NAXIS2  =                 1200  /
NAXIS3  =                    1  /
EXTEND  =                    T  /
BSCALE  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
BZERO   =    0.00000000000E+00  /
BLANK   =                   -1  /
BUNIT   = 'KM/S    '  /
DATE-OBS= '1997-08-16T23:36:34.2'  /
CRPIX1  =    6.01000000000E+02  /
CDELT1  =   -5.55555576728E-04  /
CRVAL1  =    1.18974166486E+01  /
CTYPE1  = 'RA---NCP'  /
CRPIX2  =    6.01000000000E+02  /
CDELT2  =    5.55555576728E-04  /
CRVAL2  =   -2.52939361152E+01  /
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--NCP'  /
CRPIX3  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
CDELT3  =    5.00000000000E+05  /
CRVAL3  =    2.48000000000E+05  /
CELLSCAL= '1/F     '  /
RESTFREQ=    1.42040575200E+09  /
VOBS    =   -3.03045725822E+00  /
BMAJ    =    2.02970542014E-02  /
BMIN    =    8.83156154305E-03  /
BPA     =   -1.73027217388E-01  /
BTYPE   = 'velocity'  /
EPOCH   =    2.00000000000E+03  /
LTYPE   = 'velocity'  /
LSTART  =    0.00000000000E+00  /
LSTEP   =    4.00000000000E+00  /
LWIDTH  =    4.00000000000E+00  /
NITERS  =                71845  /
OBJECT  = 'ngc253  '  /
OBSERVER= 'JMH     '  /
HISTORY ATLOD: Miriad AtLod: version 1.0 23-Oct-04
HISTORY ATLOD: Executed on: 05MAY12:22:20:55.0
HISTORY ATLOD: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY ATLOD:   in=*.C1025
HISTORY ATLOD:   out=C1025.if1
HISTORY ATLOD:   ifsel=1
HISTORY ATLOD:   restfreq=1.420405752
HISTORY ATLOD:   options=bary,birdie
HISTORY ATLOD:    Processing file 2002-02-09_2302.C1025
HISTORY ATLOD:    RPFITS file version is unknown
HISTORY ATLOD:    Total number of spectra selected: 2550
HISTORY ATLOD:    Summary of spectra flagged
HISTORY ATLOD:    Flagging Reason            Fraction
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------            --------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Antenna off-source/off-line  8.24%
HISTORY ATLOD:    Bad SYSCAL values            1.18%
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------------------------------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Processing file 2002-02-10_0000.C1025
HISTORY ATLOD:    RPFITS file version is unknown
HISTORY ATLOD:    Total number of spectra selected: 6510
HISTORY ATLOD:    Summary of spectra flagged
HISTORY ATLOD:    Flagging Reason            Fraction
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------            --------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Antenna off-source/off-line  3.53%
HISTORY ATLOD:    Bad SYSCAL values            1.08%
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------------------------------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Processing file 2002-02-10_0159.C1025
HISTORY ATLOD:    RPFITS file version is unknown
HISTORY ATLOD:    Total number of spectra selected: 17400
HISTORY ATLOD:    Summary of spectra flagged
HISTORY ATLOD:    Flagging Reason            Fraction
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------            --------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Antenna off-source/off-line  0.86%
HISTORY ATLOD:    Bad SYSCAL values            0.28%
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------------------------------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Processing file 2002-02-10_0656.C1025
HISTORY ATLOD:    RPFITS file version is unknown
HISTORY ATLOD:    Total number of spectra selected: 17820
HISTORY ATLOD:    Summary of spectra flagged
HISTORY ATLOD:    Flagging Reason            Fraction
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------            --------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Antenna off-source/off-line  2.41%
HISTORY ATLOD:    Bad SYSCAL values            0.11%
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------------------------------
HISTORY UVSPLIT: Miriad UvSplit: version 1.0 28-Jan-05
HISTORY UVSPLIT: Executed on: 05MAY13:14:50:43.0
HISTORY UVSPLIT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVSPLIT:   vis=C1025.if1
HISTORY GPCOPY: Miriad GpCopy: version 19-Sep-04
HISTORY GPCOPY: Executed on: 05MAY13:14:51:27.0
HISTORY GPCOPY: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY GPCOPY:   vis=0023-263.1419
HISTORY GPCOPY:   out=ngc253.1419
HISTORY TVFLAG: Miriad TVFLAG: version 2.3 12-May-97
HISTORY TVFLAG: Executed on: 05MAY13:14:54:47.0
HISTORY TVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY TVFLAG:   vis=ngc253.1419
HISTORY TVFLAG:   server=xmtv@draco
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 10:59:14 to 11:28:35, channels 346 to 368 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 10:34:14 to 11:03:45, channels 354 to 357 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 10:00:14 to 10:36:45, channels 354 to 356 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 10:20:14 to 11:28:35, channels 193 to 194 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 6:38:24. to 7:03:45., channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 6:39:24. to 7:04:45., channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 6:40:24. to 7:03:45., channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 6:39:24. to 7:04:45., channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 6:40:24. to 6:53:25., channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 6:37:24. to 6:53:25., channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 6:41:24. to 7:04:45., channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 6:37:24. to 6:53:25., channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 6:39:24. to 7:03:45., channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY GPCOPY: Miriad GpCopy: version 19-Sep-04
HISTORY GPCOPY: Executed on: 05MAY16:09:39:35.0
HISTORY GPCOPY: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY GPCOPY:   vis=0023-263.1419
HISTORY GPCOPY:   out=ngc253.1419
HISTORY UVLIN: Miriad UvLin: version 1.0 19-Sep-04
HISTORY UVLIN: Executed on: 05MAY16:10:49:49.0
HISTORY UVLIN: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVLIN:   vis=1.5A/ngc253.1419
HISTORY UVLIN:   out=HILine/1.5A.ngc253.line
HISTORY UVLIN:   chans=80,150,320,440
HISTORY UVLIN:   order=1
HISTORY TVFLAG: Miriad TVFLAG: version 2.3 12-May-97
HISTORY TVFLAG: Executed on: 05MAY16:10:54:47.0
HISTORY TVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY TVFLAG:   vis=1.5A.ngc253.line
HISTORY TVFLAG:   server=xmtv@draco
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 10:44:14 to 11:05:45, channels 349 to 364 to BAD
HISTORY INVERT: Miriad Invert: version 1.0 1-Jul-99
HISTORY INVERT: Executed on: 05MAY17:09:05:48.0
HISTORY INVERT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY INVERT:   vis=*.line
HISTORY INVERT:   map=ngc253.line.na.imap
HISTORY INVERT:   beam=ngc253.line.na.ibeam
HISTORY INVERT:   imsize=1200
HISTORY INVERT:   line=velocity,125,0,4,4
HISTORY INVERT:   options=double
HISTORY INVERT:   select=-ant(6)
HISTORY CLEAN: Miriad Clean: version 1.0 07-Apr-04
HISTORY CLEAN: Executed on: 05MAY18:16:00:48.0
HISTORY CLEAN: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY CLEAN:   map=ngc253.line.na.imap
HISTORY CLEAN:   beam=ngc253.line.na.ibeam
HISTORY CLEAN:   out=ngc253.line.na.icmp
HISTORY CLEAN:   cutoff=0.005
HISTORY CLEAN:   niters=100000
HISTORY CLEAN:   gain=0.1
HISTORY CLEAN:   options=pad
HISTORY CLEAN:   mode=steer
HISTORY CLEAN: Bounding region is Blc=(1,1,1),Trc=(1200,1200,125)
HISTORY CLEAN: Steer Clip Level = 0.998
HISTORY CLEAN: Minpatch = 51
HISTORY CLEAN: Total Iterations = 71845
HISTORY RESTOR: Miriad Restor: version 1.3 07- Feb-2002
HISTORY RESTOR: Executed on: 05MAY18:16:00:50.0
HISTORY RESTOR: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY RESTOR:   map=ngc253.line.na.imap
HISTORY RESTOR:   beam=ngc253.line.na.ibeam
HISTORY RESTOR:   model=ngc253.line.na.icmp
HISTORY RESTOR:   out=ngc253.line.na.icln
HISTORY RESTOR: Beam =  7.307E+01 x  3.179E+01 arcsec, pa = -1.730E-01 degrees
HISTORY MOMENT: version 1.0 4-nov-03
HISTORY MOMENT: Executed on: 05MAY18:16:06:32.0
HISTORY MOMENT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY MOMENT:   in=ngc253.line.na.icln
HISTORY MOMENT:   out=ngc253.line.na.mom1
HISTORY MOMENT:   clip=-1000,0.004
HISTORY MATHS: Miriad maths: Revision 1.5, 2011/03/30 05:34:52 UTC
HISTORY MATHS: Executed on: 2013-08-16T09:18:00.0
HISTORY MATHS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY MATHS:   exp=ngc253.line.na.mom1
HISTORY MATHS:   mask=.gt.0.5
HISTORY MATHS:   out=ngc253.line.na.mom.1
HISTORY MATHS: Bounding region is Blc=(1,1,1),Trc=(1200,1200,1)
HISTORY FITS: Miriad fits: fits: Revision 1.33, 2018/12/04 04:02:11 UTC
HISTORY FITS: Executed on: 19MAR14:09:57:12.0
HISTORY FITS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY FITS:    in=ngc253.line.na.mom.1
HISTORY FITS:    op=xyout
HISTORY FITS:    out=LVHIS006.na.mom1.fits
HISTORY FITS: NOTE: Use options=varwt if loading into Miriad
ORIGIN  = 'Miriad fits: Revision 1.33, 2018/12/04 04:02:11 UTC'  /

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