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SIMPLE  =                    T  /
BITPIX  =                  -32  /
NAXIS   =                    3  /
NAXIS1  =                  599  /
NAXIS2  =                  604  /
NAXIS3  =                    1  /
EXTEND  =                    T  /
BSCALE  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
BZERO   =    0.00000000000E+00  /
BLANK   =                   -1  /
BUNIT   = 'KM/S    '  /
DATE-OBS= '1999-01-02T09:46:00.5'  /
OBSRA   =    2.10839509611E+02  /
OBSDEC  =   -4.13786519177E+01  /
CRPIX1  =    3.00000000000E+02  /
CDELT1  =   -2.77777777942E-03  /
CRVAL1  =    2.10839509611E+02  /
CTYPE1  = 'RA---NCP'  /
CRPIX2  =    3.05000000000E+02  /
CDELT2  =    2.77777777942E-03  /
CRVAL2  =   -4.13786519177E+01  /
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--NCP'  /
CRPIX3  =    1.00000000000E+00  /
CDELT3  =    2.00000000000E+05  /
CRVAL3  =    4.98000000000E+05  /
CELLSCAL= '1/F     '  /
RESTFREQ=    1.42040571841E+09  /
VOBS    =   -1.89617786407E+01  /
BMAJ    =    2.51734014601E-02  /
BMIN    =    2.11656950414E-02  /
BPA     =   -7.88702583313E+00  /
EPOCH   =    2.00000000000E+03  /
LTYPE   = 'velocity'  /
LSTART  =    4.00000000000E+02  /
LSTEP   =    4.00000000000E+00  /
LWIDTH  =    4.00000000000E+00  /
NITERS  =                 3397  /
OBJECT  = 'n5408   '  /
OBSERVER= 'LVHIS (Koribalski et al. 2018)'  /
BTYPE   = 'velocity'  /
HISTORY ATLOD: Miriad AtLod: version 1.0 23-Oct-04
HISTORY ATLOD: Executed on: 04OCT26:12:16:27.0
HISTORY ATLOD: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY ATLOD:   in=*.C598
HISTORY ATLOD:   out=C598.if1
HISTORY ATLOD:   ifsel=1
HISTORY ATLOD:   restfreq=1.420405752
HISTORY ATLOD:   options=bary,birdie
HISTORY ATLOD:    Processing file 97-04-07_0752.C598
HISTORY ATLOD:    RPFITS file version is  0.50000
HISTORY ATLOD:    Total number of spectra selected: 2460
HISTORY ATLOD:    Summary of spectra flagged
HISTORY ATLOD:    Flagging Reason            Fraction
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------            --------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Antenna off-source/off-line  11.0%
HISTORY ATLOD:    Bad SYSCAL values            7.07%
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------------------------------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Processing file 97-04-07_0806.C598
HISTORY ATLOD:    RPFITS file version is  0.50000
HISTORY ATLOD:    Total number of spectra selected: 33000
HISTORY ATLOD:    Summary of spectra flagged
HISTORY ATLOD:    Flagging Reason            Fraction
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------            --------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Antenna off-source/off-line  2.62%
HISTORY ATLOD:    Bad SYSCAL values            1.67%
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------------------------------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Processing file 97-04-07_1122.C598
HISTORY ATLOD:    RPFITS file version is  0.50000
HISTORY ATLOD:    Total number of spectra selected: 31200
HISTORY ATLOD:    Summary of spectra flagged
HISTORY ATLOD:    Flagging Reason            Fraction
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------            --------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Antenna off-source/off-line  4.65%
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------------------------------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Processing file 97-04-07_1426.C598
HISTORY ATLOD:    RPFITS file version is  0.50000
HISTORY ATLOD:    Total number of spectra selected: 43980
HISTORY ATLOD:    Summary of spectra flagged
HISTORY ATLOD:    Flagging Reason            Fraction
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------            --------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Antenna off-source/off-line  2.44%
HISTORY ATLOD:    Bad SYSCAL values            0.05%
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------------------------------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Processing file 97-04-07_1845.C598
HISTORY ATLOD:    RPFITS file version is  0.50000
HISTORY ATLOD:    Total number of spectra selected: 26850
HISTORY ATLOD:    Summary of spectra flagged
HISTORY ATLOD:    Flagging Reason            Fraction
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------            --------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Antenna off-source/off-line  0.56%
HISTORY ATLOD:    Bad SYSCAL values            0.90%
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------------------------------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Processing file 97-04-07_2122.C598
HISTORY ATLOD:    RPFITS file version is  0.50000
HISTORY ATLOD:    Total number of spectra selected: 5610
HISTORY ATLOD:    Summary of spectra flagged
HISTORY ATLOD:    Flagging Reason            Fraction
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------            --------
HISTORY ATLOD:    Antenna off-source/off-line  7.49%
HISTORY ATLOD:    Bad SYSCAL values            1.00%
HISTORY ATLOD:    ---------------------------------------
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 04OCT26:12:18:20.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=C598.if1
HISTORY UVFLAG:   line=channel,30,1
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file C598.if1
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 138874; out of 138874 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,6
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:        4134960          0    Changed to bad:    4134960
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:           31260    4166220
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 04OCT26:12:18:25.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=C598.if1
HISTORY UVFLAG:   line=channel,30,80
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file C598.if1
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 138874; out of 138874 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,6
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:        4134960          0    Changed to bad:    4134960
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:           31260    4166220
HISTORY UVFLAG: Executed on: 04OCT26:12:25:28.0
HISTORY UVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVFLAG:   vis=C598.if1
HISTORY UVFLAG:   line=channel,120,1
HISTORY UVFLAG:   flagval=flag
HISTORY UVFLAG: Overview of flagging on visibility file C598.if1
HISTORY UVFLAG: Changed flags set to FALSE (data flagged as bad)
HISTORY UVFLAG: Total number of records selected: 138874; out of 138874 records
HISTORY UVFLAG: Antennas used: 1,2,3,4,5,6
HISTORY UVFLAG: Counts of correlations within selected channels
HISTORY UVFLAG: channel   Originally  Currently
HISTORY UVFLAG: Good:        8269920          0    Changed to bad:    8269920
HISTORY UVFLAG: Bad:         8394960   16664880
HISTORY UVSPLIT: Miriad UvSplit: version 1.0 19-Sep-04
HISTORY UVSPLIT: Executed on: 04OCT26:12:25:28.0
HISTORY UVSPLIT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVSPLIT:   vis=C598.if1
HISTORY GPCOPY: Miriad GpCopy: version 19-Sep-04
HISTORY GPCOPY: Executed on: 04OCT26:12:27:03.0
HISTORY GPCOPY: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY GPCOPY:   vis=1313-333.1418
HISTORY GPCOPY:   out=n5408.1418
HISTORY BLFLAG: Miriad BlFlag: version 05-Oct-99
HISTORY BLFLAG: Executed on: 04OCT26:12:34:56.0
HISTORY BLFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY BLFLAG:   vis=n5408.1418
HISTORY BLFLAG:   device=/xw
HISTORY BLFLAG:   stokes=i
HISTORY BLFLAG: Number of correlations flagged: 26724
HISTORY UVLIN: Miriad UvLin: version 1.0 19-Sep-04
HISTORY UVLIN: Executed on: 04OCT26:12:34:56.0
HISTORY UVLIN: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY UVLIN:   vis=n5408.1418
HISTORY UVLIN:   out=n5408.line
HISTORY UVLIN:   chans=130,170,280,480
HISTORY UVLIN:   order=1
HISTORY TVFLAG: Miriad TVFLAG: version 2.3 12-May-97
HISTORY TVFLAG: Executed on: 04OCT26:17:22:09.0
HISTORY TVFLAG: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY TVFLAG:   vis=day1/n5408.line
HISTORY TVFLAG:   server=xmtv@corvus
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 17:53:54 to 17:54:05, channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 8:47:14. to 21:21:45, channels 511 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 8:47:14. to 21:21:45, channels 510 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 14:51:24 to 14:51:25, channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 12:55:04 to 12:55:05, channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 12:52:44 to 12:52:45, channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 11:47:34 to 11:47:35, channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 8:51:04. to 8:51:05., channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 8:48:54. to 8:48:55., channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 8:47:14. to 21:21:45, channels 510 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 12:55:34 to 12:55:35, channels 1 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 14:49:34 to 15:46:35, channels 510 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY TVFLAG: Changing times 8:47:14. to 21:21:45, channels 511 to 513 to BAD
HISTORY INVERT: Miriad invert: Version 1.6, 2009/09/23 01:00:20 UTC
HISTORY INVERT: Executed on: 09DEC08:07:45:42.0
HISTORY INVERT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY INVERT:   vis=../../C598/375/day1/n5408.line,../../C598/375/day2/n5408.l
HISTORY .line,../../C598/375/day5/n5408.line,../../C598/750D/day1/n5408.line,../
HISTORY INVERT:   map=n5408.line.na.imap
HISTORY INVERT:   beam=n5408.line.na.ibeam
HISTORY INVERT:   imsize=600
HISTORY INVERT:   options=double,mosaic
HISTORY INVERT:   select=uvrange(0.25,025)
HISTORY INVERT:   line=velocity,50,400,4,4
HISTORY MOSSDI: Miriad mossdi: Version 1.3, 2009/09/23 01:00:20 UTC
HISTORY MOSSDI: Executed on: 09DEC08:08:01:20.0
HISTORY MOSSDI: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY MOSSDI:   map=n5408.line.na.imap
HISTORY MOSSDI:   beam=n5408.line.na.ibeam
HISTORY MOSSDI:   gain=0.1
HISTORY MOSSDI:   out=n5408.line.na.icmp
HISTORY MOSSDI:   niters=10000
HISTORY MOSSDI:   cutoff=0.006
HISTORY MOSSDI: Bounding region is Blc=(96,95,1),Trc=(505,509,50)
HISTORY MOSSDI: Total Iterations = 3397
HISTORY RESTOR: Miriad Restor: version 1.3 07- Feb-2002
HISTORY RESTOR: Executed on: 09DEC08:08:01:20.0
HISTORY RESTOR: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY RESTOR:   map=n5408.line.na.imap
HISTORY RESTOR:   beam=n5408.line.na.ibeam
HISTORY RESTOR:   model=n5408.line.na.icmp
HISTORY RESTOR:   out=n5408.line.na.icln
HISTORY RESTOR: Beam =  9.062E+01 x  7.620E+01 arcsec, pa = -7.887E+00 degrees
HISTORY MOMENT: version 1.0 4-nov-03
HISTORY MOMENT: Executed on: 09DEC08:20:20:40.0
HISTORY MOMENT: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY MOMENT:   in=n5408.line.na.icln
HISTORY MOMENT:   out=n5408.line.na.mom1
HISTORY MOMENT:   clip=-1000,0.005
HISTORY MATHS: Miriad Maths: version 1.0 27-May-05
HISTORY MATHS: Executed on: 09DEC08:20:20:40.0
HISTORY MATHS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY MATHS:   out=n5408.line.na.1.mom
HISTORY MATHS:   mask=.gt.0.2
HISTORY MATHS: Bounding region is Blc=(1,1,1),Trc=(599,604,1)
HISTORY PUTHD: Miriad PutHd: puthd: Revision 1.3, 2011/09/15 05:53:36 UTC
HISTORY PUTHD: Executed on: 2018-05-28T15:38:58.0
HISTORY PUTHD: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY PUTHD:   in=n5408.line.na.1.mom/observer
HISTORY PUTHD:   value="LVHIS (Koribalski et al. 2018)"
HISTORY PUTHD: Miriad PutHd: puthd: Revision 1.3, 2011/09/15 05:53:36 UTC
HISTORY PUTHD: Executed on: 2018-06-05T19:41:32.0
HISTORY PUTHD: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY PUTHD:   in=n5408.line.na.1.mom/observer
HISTORY PUTHD:   value="LVHIS (Koribalski et al. 2018)"
HISTORY FITS: Miriad fits: fits: Revision 1.32, 2014/09/15 04:39:01 UTC
HISTORY FITS: Executed on: 18JUN05:19:42:46.0
HISTORY FITS: Command line inputs follow:
HISTORY FITS:    in=n5408.line.na.1.mom
HISTORY FITS:    op=xyout
HISTORY FITS:    out=LVHIS065.na.mom1.fits
HISTORY FITS: NOTE: Use options=varwt if loading into Miriad
ORIGIN  = 'Miriad fits: Revision 1.32, 2014/09/15 04:39:01 UTC'  /

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