This page displays the references in NED's Database, or their
abstracts when available. When an abstract is available in NED,
the information displayed includes:
- The reference code and a search link, showing the number of NED
objects in the reference, to retrieve those objects [note that
several large catalogues (e.g. 2MASS, MAPS-NGP, APMUKS) included
in NED do not have these links; these can be recognized by the
message "Retrieve n NED object(s) in this reference", where "n" is
a small number, typically 1 or 2],
- the title and authors of the paper,
- followed by the abstract itself,
- and a link to the ADS
Abstract Service.
If no abstract is available in NED, the following information is shown:
- The reference code and a search link, showing the number of NED
objects in the reference, to retrieve those objects,
- the decoded reference including the journal title, year, volume,
and page numbers,
- the authors and title of the article,
- and a link to the ADS
Abstract Service.
Use your browser's "Back" button to return to the abstract or title.
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