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NED object is MESSIER 033; Reference is 1987A&AS...68..171B
FIGURE 9.-Distribution of the linearly polarized emission at 6.3 cm in the
field of M33 presented as contours in equal steps of 1.1 mJy per b.a. The
sensitivity in the marked inner part is 0.7 mJy per b.a. Bars show the
orientations of the measured E-field; their lengths give the degree of
polarization (see Fig. 2). Three positions of possibly polarized point sources
are indicated. The coordinate grid is the same in all maps and refers to right
ascension and declination of 1950.0. The optical centre at {alpha}_50_ =
1h31m01.67s and {delta}_50_ = 30deg24'15.0" (de Vaucouleurs and Leach, 1981)
is marked by << + >> in all figures.
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