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For refcode 2010ApJS..188..178M:
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NED Abstract

Copyright by American Astronomical Society. Reproduced by permission
2010ApJS..188..178M Very Large Array 1.4 GHz Observations of the GOODS-North Field: Data Reduction and Analysis Morrison, Glenn E.; Owen, Frazer N.; Dickinson, Mark; Ivison, Rob J.; Ibar, Edo Abstract. We describe deep, new, wide-field radio continuum observations of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey-North field. The resulting map has a synthesized beam size of ~1.7" and an rms noise level of ~3.9 {mu}Jy beam^-1^ near its center and ~8 {mu}Jy beam^-1^ at 15' from phase center. We have cataloged 1230 discrete radio emitters, within a 40' x 40' region, above a 5{sigma} detection threshold of ~20 {mu}Jy at the field center. New techniques, pioneered by Owen & Morrison, have enabled us to achieve a dynamic range of 6800:1 in a field that has significantly strong confusing sources. We compare the 1.4 GHz (20 cm) source counts with those from other published radio surveys. Our differential counts are nearly Euclidean below 100 {mu}Jy with a median source diameter of ~1."2. This adds to the evidence presented by Owen & Morrison that the natural confusion limit may lie near 1 {mu}Jy. If the Euclidean slope of the counts continues down to the natural confusion limit as an extrapolation of our log N-log S, this indicates that the cutoff must be fairly sharp below 1 {mu}Jy else the cosmic microwave background temperature would increase above 2.7 K at 1.4 GHz. Key words: cosmology: observations, galaxies: evolution, galaxies: starburst, infrared: galaxies
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