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Index of Constraint Types

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arrow Activity Type    arrow Luminosity Class    arrow Hierarchy

Galaxy Morphology: (See list of classification data currently available)

General Galaxy Morphology:
Ellipticals S0/Lenticulars Spirals Irregulars Other Attributes
 i  E
 i  S0
 i  S0/a
 i  S
 i  Irr
 i  A  Ordinary/Non-Barred
 i  AB  Mixed Bar Family
 i  B  Barred
 i  VLSB  Very Low Surface Brightness
 i  compact
 i  edge-on
 i  tides
 i  merger
 i  pseudo-bulge
Dwarfs Peculiars
 i  dwarf
 i  Nucleated
 i  dE  Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy
 i  dS0  Dwarf Lenticular Galaxy
 i  dS  Dwarf Spiral Galaxy
 i  dIrr  Dwarf Irregular Galaxy
 i  BCD  Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy
 i  pec
 i  Clump  Single and Compact
 i  Multiple Clumps  Double or Multiple Clumps
 i  Tadpole  Clump with Tail
 i  Fuzzy  Not Compact, but Extended and Fuzzy
 i  Disklike  Fuzzy Extended with Disklike Structure

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Show/Hide All 1069 Unique Galaxy Notes in  1964RC1...C...0000d

Show/Hide All 2533 Unique Galaxy Morphology in  1991RC3.9.C...0000d

Show/Hide All 466 Unique Galaxy Morphology in  1981RSA...C...0000S

Show/Hide All 147 Unique Galaxy Morphology in  1973UGC...C...0000N

Show/Hide All 686 Unique Galaxy Morphology in  1982ESOU..C...0000L

Radio Morphology: (See list of classification data currently available)

 i  FR I  Low brightness regions further from galaxy than high brightness regions
 i  FR II  High brightness regions further from galaxy than low brightness regions
 i  FR I/II
 i  HYMORS  HYbrid MOrphology Radio Source: FR I on one side of its nucleus and FR II on the other side
 i  D  Double source; each component barely resolved
 i  DT  Double source; each component has an extended tail
 i  DC  Double source; each component is very complex
 i  C  Complex source with no well-defined axis
 i  C(D)  Complex source; components show a well-defined axis close to the galaxy
 i  Core-Dominated
 i  fat double
 i  classical double
 i  double-double radio galaxy
 i  radio jet
 i  twin jet
 i  GRG  Giant Radio Galaxy
 i  WAT  Wide-Angle Tail radio galaxy
 i  NAT  Narrow-Angle Tail radio source

Activity Type: (See list of classification data currently available)

Spectral Types
 i  Emission-Line Galaxy
 i  Flat-Spectrum Radio Source
 i  HFP  High Frequency Peaker
 i  CSS  Compact Steep-Spectrum radio source
 i  GPS  Gigahertz Peaked-Spectrum radio source
 i  USS  Ultra-Steep-Spectrum radio source
Star-Forming Active Galactic Nuclei Qualifiers
 i  SF  Star-Forming
 i  H II
 i  Starburst
 i  Post Starburst (E+A) or (a+k) Galaxy
 i  AGN
 i  AGN 1  Type 1 AGN
 i  AGN 2  Type 2 AGN
 i  QSO
 i  BL Lac
 i  Sy  Seyfert
 i  Sy 1  Seyfert 1
 i  Sy 1.2  Seyfert 1.2
 i  Sy 1.5  Seyfert 1.5
 i  Sy 1.8  Seyfert 1.8
 i  Sy 1.9  Seyfert 1.9
 i  Sy 2  Seyfert 2
 i  b  Broad Balmer Lines
 i  h  Broad Polarized Balmer Lines
 i  i  Broad Paschen Lines
 i  NL  Narrow-Line
 i  HP  High Optical Polarization
 i  BAL  Broad Absorption Line

Luminosity Class: (See list of classification data currently available)

Infrared Luminosity Class:
 i  LIRG  Luminous Infrared Galaxies                  11.0 ≤ log(LIR/L) < 12.0
 i  ULIRG  Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies       12.0 ≤ log(LIR/L) < 13.0
 i  HyLIRG  Hyperluminous Infrared Galaxies    13.0 ≤ log(LIR/L)
Optical (van den Bergh/DDO) Luminosity Class:
 i  LC I
 i  LC I-II
 i  LC II
 i  LC III
 i  LC IV  (dwarf)
 i  LC IV-V  (dwarf)
 i  LC V  (dwarf)
 i  LC V-VI
 i  LC VI

Distance Indicator: (See list of classification data currently available)

Standard Candles:
 i  B Stars
 i  BL Lac Luminosity
 i  Brightest Stars
 i  Carbon Stars
 i  Cepheids
 i  CMD  Color-Magnitude Diagrams
 i  Delta Scuti
 i  Type II Cepheids
 i  FGLR  Flux-Weighted Gravity-Luminosity Relation
 i  GRB  Gamma-Ray Burst
 i  GCLF  Globular Cluster Luminosity Function
 i  GC SBF  Globular Cluster Surface Brightness Fluctuations
 i  HII LF  HII Luminosity Function
 i  Horizontal Branch
 i  M Stars
 i  Miras
 i  Novae
 i  OB Stars
 i  PNLF  Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function
 i  Red Clump
 i  RSV Stars  Red Supergiant Variables
 i  RR Lyrae
 i  RV Stars  Red Variable Stars
 i  S Doradus Stars
 i  SGRB  Short Gamma-Ray Bursts
 i  SX Phe Stars  SX Phoenicis Stars
 i  SZ effect  Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect
 i  SBF  Surface Brightness Fluctuations
 i  TRGB  Tip of the Red Giant Branch
 i  SNIa  Type Ia Supernovae
 i  SNII radio  Type II Supernovae, Radio
 i  Wolf-Rayet
Standard Rulers: Secondary Methods:
 i  CO ring diameter
 i  Eclipsing Binary
 i  GC radius  Globular Cluster radii
 i  Grav. Stability Gas. Disk
 i  G Lens  Gravitational Lens
 i  HII region diameter
 i  Maser
 i  Orbital Mech.
 i  Proper Motion
 i  Ring Diameter
 i  SNII optical  Type II Supernovae, Optical
 i  D-Sigma
 i  Diameter
 i  Dwarf Ellipticals
 i  Faber-Jackson
 i  FP  Fundamental Plane
 i  GC K vs. (J-K)
 i  GeV TeV ratio
 i  GC FP  Globular Cluster Fundamental Plane
 i  H I + optical distribution
 i  IRAS  Infra-Red Astronomical Satellite
 i  LSB galaxies
 i  Magnitude
 i  Mass Model
 i  Radio Brightness
 i  Sosies
 i  Tertiary
 i  Tully est  Tully Estimate
 i  Tully-Fisher

Hierarchy: (See list of classification data currently available)

 i  Isolated galaxy
 i  Field galaxy
 i  in a pair
 i  in a triple
 i  Group member
 i  Supercluster (RV-confirmed) member

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Kinematics: (See list of classification data currently available)

 i  HI line width

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